Wednesday, August 1, 2012

New Release - Purple Paws

Purple Paws

For most of us, animals play a part somewhere in our lives
and for some of us, it is also a very big part of our lives!
Why? Because animals love us unconditionally and never judge
us, and with them we can be ourselves. They are the most
kindest, loving and loyal creatures on the planet. That
is why, when we hear about senseless acts of violence and
abuse against these loving creatures, we cannot understand
how mankind can be so heartless and so cruel to something
so innocent and loving. Those who merely live to please
their masters. I would be so lost without my animal friends
In My Life.

This kit is the way I show my love for our dear animal friends
I do hope you enjoy this kit as much as I did putting it together
for you all.

This kit comes in both Tagger and Full Size
Available in all the PUP's Stores
Below is a Commercial Use kit "Purple Paws" Charms
I put together with elements I made for the main
kit. The PUP thought she would share
these with everyone and is available in all the PUP's Stores

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